Within such a database, you can then create what are known as automatic storage table spaces ( they are available as DMS FILE table spaces only). 在这样的数据库中,您可以接着创建称作自动存储表空间(它们仅仅可以作为DMSFILE表空间使用)的东西。
To take advantage of the extensive algorithms available in Optim Data Privacy Solution, the file must be accessed as if it were a relational table with columns. 为了利用OptimDataPrivacySolution中提供的丰富算法,就必须按照访问带有列的关系表的方式来访问文件。
The lecture notes are available as a single ( PDF) file, or as separate files related to the lectures in the table below. 课堂讲稿是单个(PDF)文件,或是与下表所列讲课内容相对应的独立文件。